2008.07.17. 10:45 :: szamárfül/pável
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: gerlóczy 7bus huszonéves nő olvasta
2008.07.14. 19:31 :: szamárfül/pável
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: chambers 122bus huszonéves nő olvasta
2008.07.07. 20:25 :: szamárfül/pável
What does Everyman read?
On the bus, tram, tube or plane - wherever you spot them. The sociology of reading (concise ed.)
Your mission: peep at the book jackets of fellow travellers and then report them. You can write as much or as little as you like, but please include [author], [work], description of reader and place (30s woman, restaurant).
Our motto: Be a bookpeeper!
NB: currently, we only have active bookpeepers in Hungary, but we're planning to take on the world, so join us now!
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